Clinical and Experimental Vision and Eye Research

Author Guidelines

Terms of Submission

The Clinical and Experimental Vision and Eye Research (CLEVER) is a multidisciplinary, open-access journal published biannually in English, accepts the following types of manuscripts for publishing: original research findings, reviews, case reports and scientific reports of novel diagnostic/therapeutic technologies.

Manuscripts submitted to CLEVER Medical Journal are considered with theunderstanding that they have not been accepted/published elsewhere, and are currently not under consideration for publication by another publisher either in print or electronic form (except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific forum or symposium).

How do I submit my Manuscript?

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the contributory authors only. Authors are strongly recommended to follow ‘Author Instructions’ from the journal website of CLEVER and post at: Ensure that utmost care is taken to prepare and format the manuscript before submitting it to CLEVER.

Manuscripts can be submitted to CLEVER by:

1. Online submission using the ‘Online Submission’ page of the CLEVER website viewed at: (Preferred medium)


2. As an email with attached files (Cover Letter, Manuscript File, Copyright transfer/ Financial Disclosure/Conflict of Interest and Authorship Contributions and Submission Form) to: (In case of technical issue)

Types of Manuscripts Accepted

1. Original Articles
2. Case reports
3. Case series
4. Clinical Images
5. Review Articles
6. Letters to the Editor
7. Invited Editorials

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with “Uniform requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals” developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Every submission must be accompanied with three essential files

I. Cover Letter:

Papers are accepted for publication in the Journal on the understanding that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium. This must be stated in the covering letter.

The covering letter must also contain an acknowledgment that all authors have contributed significantly, and that all authors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript.

If tables or figures have been reproduced from another source, a letter from the copyright holder (usually the Publisher), stating authorization to reproduce the material, must be attached to the covering letter.

II. Manuscript File: (All pages to be numbered at bottom right corner from the title page onwards)

Manuscript Organization

A. Title Page: (To be typed in 12 font size, Times new roman style, single spacing and overall margin of 1 inch)

Should contain the following 6 entities in order

1. Title of the article & Type of Manuscript (Case report, Case Series, Case in Images or Review)
2. Names of Authors with Author information & their highest academic degree as follows:


Dr. Martin S. Greenberg, DDS
Professor and Chairman of Oral Medicine
Associate Dean of Hospital Affairs
School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

3. Corresponding Author should be mentioned separately (Contact of details of corresponding author is mandatory)


Dr. Dentist, BDS, MDS (Corresponding Author)
Department of Dental Public Health, College of Dentistry,
King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences,
KAMC, National Guard Health Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Email:, Phone: +1234567890

4. Requirements of Word Count:

a. Abstract: 250
b. Manuscript: 1500
c. No of Figures: (300-600 dpi resolution), tables and graphs not to exceed 5 in total(900-1200 dpi resolution).

5. Declare Conflict of Interest and Source of funding


Source of funding: None
Conflict of interest: None Declared

6. Provide a Short Running Title at the bottom of the page

B. Main Text: Begin on a new page (To be typed in 12 font size, Times new roman style, Double spacing and overall margin of 1 inch)

The Main Text should contain the following subheadings (In bold)
  • Title of the article: Brief Title without abbreviations
  • Abstract (Should be structured) as follows:
    Case Description
    Clinical Significance
  • Keywords: 3 – 5 keywords in alphabetical order taken from MeSH browser only.
  • Introduction
  • Case Report
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Clinical Significance
  • References (On a Separate page)
  • Legends for Figures (On a Separate page)
  • Acknowledgements if any

Specific Instructions based on Type of Manuscript

1. Case Reports
Scope: This section includes an original description of an unreported entity or report new presentation of a known disease or a new perspective of case which poses a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Case reports should include a comprehensive review of similar case & a comparison drawn between present case & the previous cases. Also, accompanied by clinical, radiological and pathologic images.

Authors: 4 authors maximum
Abstract: Structured abstract less than 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords from MeSH.
Content: (Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Conclusion & Clinical Significance)
Word limit: 1500 words maximum
Figures, Tables & graphs not to exceed 5
References: 10 or less

2. Case Series
Scope: This section includes a series of 2-6 similar cases. The cases should be rare & give unique perspective on disease presentation, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment & its consequences. The cases should also address a challenging diagnostic &/ or therapeutic problem with possible remedies to assist clinicians in management. Comprehensive review of literature to be accompanied.
Authors: 5 authors maximum
Abstract: Structured abstract less than 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords from MeSH.
Content: (Introduction, Case Report (s), Discussion, Conclusion & Clinical Significance)
Word limit: 2500 words maximum
Figures, Tables & graphs not to exceed 8.
References: 20 or less

3. Case in Images
Scope: This section entertains series of images of a procedure or event.The figures may include clinical, radiological images (USG, CT, MRI,PET , SPECT etc.) and pathology images ( histopathology, cytopathology, hematopathology).
Authors: 5 authors maximum
Abstract: Structured abstract less than 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords from MeSH.
Content: (Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Conclusion & Clinical Significance)
Word limit: 1000 words maximum
Figures: 6-10
References: 10 or less

4. Clinical Images
Scope: This section mandates inclusion of clinical images, diagnostic or investigative images especially images in radiology, endoscopy, pathology and cytopathology.
Content: Brief history, Case discussion & Conclusion.
Word limit: 1000-1500 words
Figures: 5
References: 10 or less

5. Review Articles
Scope: Includes topics that interest wide readership. It should have a comprehensive coverage of a topic in a clear & lucid manner accompanied with figures and images.
Authors: 6 authors maximum
Abstract: Unstructured abstract less than 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords from MeSH.
Content: As required by the topic.
Word limit: 3000-4000 words maximum
Figures & tables not to exceed 5
References: 40 or less

6. Letters to the Editor
Scope: This section mandates inclusion of unique cases that do not qualify for other sections. It includes results of pilot studies & comment on the articles published CLEVER.
Authors: 3 – 4 authors maximum
Abstract: Not required
Content: Start the manuscript as ‘To the Editor(s),? Do not divide the manuscript into sections.
Word limit: 850 words maximum
Figures & Tables: Not required
References: 5 or less


General Instructions: (Kindly note: If your references are perfect and accurately formatted, the time taken to give a decision on your manuscript and subsequent publication is shortened considerably)

  1. All references in text, tables, and legends must be identified in the text by consecutive Arabic numerals in parenthesis, listed after closing the punctuation mark.
  2. Place the references as a superscript without brackets immediately after the author name or if author name is not included in the sentence, place it at the end of the sentence after closing the punctuation mark. Consecutive references should be cited as 1-4 instead of 1,2,3,4.

    Example: AOT has a female gender predilection.1 It commonly affects the maxilla. 2-4
  3. In the reference section, number each reference consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order).
  4. List all authors up to 6; if more than 6, list the first 6 followed by ‘et al.’ References must follow the general arrangement and punctuation according to the VANCOUVER STYLE of referencing.

Type of Referencing to be used in CLEVER

Book with One Author or Editor
1. Mason J. Concepts in dental public health. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
2. Ireland R, editor. Clinical textbook of dental hygiene and therapy. Oxford: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2006.

Two-Six Authors/Editors
3. Miles DA, Van Dis ML, Williamson GF, Jensen CW. Radiographic imaging for the dental team. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier; 2009.
4. Dionne RA, Phero JC, Becker DE, editors. Management of pain and anxiety in the dental office. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2002.

More than Six Authors/Editors
5. Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, et al., editors. Harrison�s principles of internal medicine. 17th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2008.

Chapter in a book
6. Alexander RG. Considerations in creating a beautiful smile. In: Romano R, editor. The art of the smile. London: Quintessence Publishing; 2005. p. 187-210.

Standard journal article
7. Kulkarni SB, Chitre RG, Satoskar RS. Serum proteins in tuberculosis. J Postgrad Med 1960; 6:113-120.

Volume with supplement
8. Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of nickel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 Suppl 1:275-282.

Issue with supplement
9. Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women’s psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996; 23(1, Suppl 2):89-97.

Organization as Author
10. Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. Dental hygiene: definition and scope. Ottawa:Canadian Dental Hygienists Association; 1995.

Government Document
11. Canada. Environmental Health Directorate. Radiation protection in dentistry: recommended Safety procedures for the use of dental x-ray equipment. Safety Code 30. Ottawa: Ministry of Health; 2000.

12. Mosby�s dental dictionary. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier; 2008. Frenotomy; p. 273.


1. Figures should be submitted as TIFF images with 300dpi resolution.

(Check yourself for clarity: Zoom your image to 300% in windows picture manager or the picture viewer in your operating system, there should not be considerable loss of clarity)

2. If you include text or figures that have been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s).

3. Mention the figure numbers in the text at the appropriate places in parenthesis before the closing punctuation mark. E.g. (Figure 1) or (Figures 1A)

4. All figures should be provided as separate files. Include color figures wherever possible.

5. The file name should include the figure number. Label file names as: Figure 1, Figure 2 etc. If multiple figures form a part of a sequence label them as Figure 1A, Figure 1B etc.

In case of photomicrographs indicate the stain and magnification as follows

Figure 1: Histologic features demonstrating odontogenic follicles in a connective tissue stroma (H&E stain at 20x magnification).

6. Please provide figure legends on a separate page with Arabic numerals corresponding to the figures. The legends should be included in the manuscript text file immediately following the references.

Tables & Graphs

1. The table or graph numbers should be cited at the relevant places in the text in parenthesis after the Punctuation mark. E.g. (Table 1) or (Tables 1-4) or (Tables 1, 4, 6-8).

2. Each table or graph should appear on a separate page. A title for every table which summarizes the whole table must be given above the table.

3. Tables and Graphs should be self-explanatory and not duplicate the data presented in figures.

III. Copyright Form:

The author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will have to duly sign and take signatures of associated authors on the Conflict of interest/copyright form as available on the submission platform at the manuscript cannot be published until a completed form is received by the Editorial Office.

Consent for Identifying Information

If any identifying information is included in any part of the manuscript, you must obtain a written, informed consent from the patient and submit a copy of the document to the Editorial Office.

Reproduction of Published Material

If you wish to reproduce text, figures or tables that have already been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s). Please submit a copy of the permission letter or other evidence that such permission has been granted along with the Copyright Assignment Form after the manuscript has been accepted for publication in IJCMDR.

Article Publishing Charges

There is no Article Processing Charges in CLEVER.

Submission of Revised Manuscripts

While submitting a revised manuscript, contributors are requested to include a point to point response to reviewer’s comments at the beginning of the revised manuscript text file itself. In addition, if any changes are made to the manuscript, please mark the changes as underlined or differently colored text in the article.

Page Proofs

Page proofs of the manuscript, a form for marking corrections and instructions for filling the form will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail, before publication of the manuscript.

Authors should type the proof corrections in the form and send it to the Editorial Office. While checking the proofs, take note that the text is complete and all figures and tables are included in the proofs.

Respond to all queries from the Editorial Office; check the proofs for changes like spellings, punctuation and setting of text, tables, figures and figure legends.

Corrected proofs must be returned to the Editorial office within 72 hrs (3 days) of receipt. The page proofs can be sent to the Editorial Office by uploading through our website or as email attachments.

Copyright Policy

All articles published in CLEVER are open-access articles whose reproduction and distribution rights exclusively rest with Clinical and Experimental Vision and Eye Research Journal and their associated publisher only.

Contents of this site, partial or as a whole, should not be included in a framed web page, document or in anyother presentable form used anywhere else.

The Journal does not grant to any user or association a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right and license to copy, use, distribute, perform and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works in any digital medium for any reasonable commercial or non-commercial purpose.

The entire contents of the Clinical and Experimental Vision and Eye Research Journal are protected under International copyrights and rest solely at the discretion of Clinical and Experimental Vision and Eye Research Journal.

Personal Assistance

If you need assistance with the submission of your manuscript at our electronic submission site, please contact or